Hybrid Car
how a
                  hybrid car works cartoon
    Imagine that you are in the market for a new car after graduating from Clemson with your bachelor’s degree.  You have been talking with some of your friends and family members about the potential purpose.  One of your classmates brings up the idea of buying a hybrid car.  The notion sounds interesting and since you are not familiar with hybrid cars, you decide to do some research…

Your Task
    Your task for this research assignment is to determine the following –

Should I purchase a hybrid car over a conventional car?

To complete this assignment, you want to briefly explain what a hybrid car is, but you primarily want to examine the merits and drawbacks of purchasing a hybrid vehicle.  You should consider:

•    The purpose of the car (what you plan to use it for, what type of driving you will do, etc.)
•    The economic ramifications of selecting a hybrid (hybrid car cost versus comparable conventional car, potential savings on fuel costs, upkeep expenses, and the federal tax incentive)
•    The environmental impact of a hybrid car versus a conventional car (pollution, mileage)

Based on these considerations, you must clearly decide whether or not to purchase a hybrid car.  You should employ effective argumentation rather than present a listing of random facts or merely articulate unsubstantiated personal opinion.  Weight the merits against the disadvantages of buying a hybrid car.  Since the federal tax incentive has been a prominent feature of the hybrid car debate, you should address the issue of whether the national government should grant a tax benefit as a component of its energy policy.  


    Please use the following links to assist you in your research and argumentation.  This is not a comprehensive list and you are encouraged to also utilize websites and other resources not listed here.

General Links
“Hybrid Cars – FAQ”:  http://www.hybridcars.com/faq.html
“Is a Hybrid Car Worth It?”: http://www.omninerd.com/2005/11/11/articles/41
“Hybrid Cars – Tax Deductions”: http://www.hybridcars.com/tax-deductions-credits.html
“Hybrid Cars – Pros vs. Cons”: http://www.1800getacar.com/Hybrid-Cars-Pros-Cons.php

Buy a Hybrid
“Buy a Hybrid, and Save a Guzzler”: http://www.nytimes.com
“Top 10 Hybrid Myths”: http://www.hybridcars.com/top-10-hybrid-myths.html
“Hybrid cars – economic benefits, advantages”: http://www.allabouthybridcars.com/economic-benefits.htm
“Hybrid Car Incentives” (State by State): http://www.hybridcars.com/incentives.html

Don’t Buy a Hybrid
“Reasons Not to Buy a Hybrid”: http://www.hybridcars.com/dont-buy-hybrid.html
“Government gives hybrid buyers raw deal on tax breaks”: http://www.detnews.com/2005/autosconsumer/0511/02/F01-368848.htm
“Surprising Effects about Gas Mileage”: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/maintenance-accessories/surprising-facts-about-gas-mileage-1005/overview.htm?resultPageIndex=1&resultIndex=1
“The Bad Way to Cut Taxes”: http://eidelblog.blogspot.com/2005/08/bad-way-to-cut-taxes.html

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