Principe 6 and Epilogue
so far the book has been about science, the first part of this chapter will be about technology

relationship between science and technology:

how has the relationship between science and technology changed over timescience vs. technology
remember the snobbery about technology that had come down from the ancient Greeks
Principe describes architect/engineers as a new class "between artisans who relied on accumulated manual experience and scholars removed from practical affairs." (p. 114)

moving the Vatican obelisk
Agricola on mining

Christian Huygens invented the pendulum clock in 1656

Science was not separate from practical needs

Francis Bacon and the scientific method

multiple kinds of professional societies

Rise of scientific societies:

scientific revolution
where do people do science?
patron's court or university or amateur's home
jobs in university, government and industry labs
how do they interact with other scientists?
books, letter writing, scientific societies
papers published in journals, professional societies, internet
where does funding come from?
patronage (rich people or leaders who support scientists)
government and industry grants and contracts
what is the relationship between science and technology
practical research to get patronage but also the idea of understanding nature for its own sake
much funding for practical research but still some prestige for understanding nature

The early scientific societies encouraged experiments

what was science like in the scientific revolution?

How has the character, worldview, method, assumptions of science changed science the early modern era?

the old view of the scientific revolution is it was the time when science separated from religion and magic
so what did happen?