Question: using Hicks and two other books from the course, write about three examples of: What is the importance of the treatment of workers of all sorts in in the success or failure of completing a large practical project or bringing the technology into widespread use. (Your examples don't need to be brand new inventions.) Draw conclusions about why the bringing into use of new technologies often leads to unfair treatment of the people involved (for example workers).

  1. choose three specific examples from Hicks and 2 of the other assigned books
  2. these should be examples of why a particular project or new technology failed or succeeded
  3. for each example, discuss reasons for success or failure that have to do with the treatment of workers (or other people involved)
  4. draw a conclusion about why workers are often treated unfairly when technologies are new

your thesis statement would be "Workers are often treated unfairly when technologies are new because..."
your conclusion can speculate more, for example about whether this is inevitable or whether we can recognize the pattern and do better in the future

sample examples: