Graham ch. 2

what was Palchinsky's strategy?
engineering ethics and examples
coal mining
We pick up the story with Palchinsky under arrest for being a part of the provisional government (democratic socialist)
but the Soviets decide they need experts from the previous government, and he was a prime example
how does he make sense of working for a government he disagrees with?

feared Soviet meddling in science
believed in central planning but with room for regional variations
opposed giant factories for low technology goods

felt that treating workers well was crucial for success
Central Institute for Labor
            Motion Study
 wanted engineers to take on a broader role, thinking about social issues rather than just providing technical solutions
did not want engineering organizations controlled by the party (people whose opinion would be based on political rather than technical considerations)
Soviet poster showing the
            engineers unmasked as saboteurs
this fit less and less well as Stalin increased his power and paranoia

technocracy: scientists and engineers should make rational decisions instead of democracy
if you are going to do central planning the advantage should be experts can make the decisions
in the USSR centrally planned decisions were made by political leaders rather than experts

how to use experts well