Wrigley 5

a survey of the impact of the industrial revolution on workers: http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/facultypages/pammack/lec122sts/hobsbawm4.html

For the industrial revolution to continue, it needed an increasing supply of energy, and also an increasing supply of workers
movement of people towards the city happened early

before the industrial revolution population in most counties was directly proportional to the amount of farmland
that changed as the proportion of the population employed in agriculture declined from 70% (1600) to 40% (1800)
1600-1851: counties with cities grew 607%, industrial counties 724%, agricultural 141%

table on page 124: notice that people began to move from agricultural counties to industrial counties in large numbers after 1800
historians have argued that wages didn't go up before the 1830s yet sales of consumer goods increased
there were 3 farm laborers for every farmer and they made very little money, so if the percentage of people working in agriculture goes down average income will go up

income elasticity of demand (as income increases how will the demand for various goods increase)

agricultural laborers moved from nearby farms to jobs in the city
laborers from farther away took their jobs
people moved for better jobs as a result of the growth of factories, not because their farm jobs had disappeared

to have continued economic growth: