
slaves working in factories:
some employed slaves were given money to arrange their own lodging and meals--quasi-freedom
anchor tobacco tin
slaves as investments and as workers produced the capital that made possible development of large-scale domestic manufacture ("industrial intensification") instead of dependence on imported manufactured goods

in the upper south slave workers in those factories were mostly hired out by their owners (rented by the year by the factory owner)
some owners let slaves find their own work, so long as the owner was paid a certain amount

to what extent were owners motivated by displaying their power and control, to what extent did they do whatever made them the most money?--both motivations were important

in order to preserve their families slaves worked hard and earned money rather than rebelling or being uncooperative

preparing tobacco for use required extensive labor, some skilled

manufacture of plug tobacco did not involve many machines besides the press
not a factory in the sense of water or steam powered machines
but is a factory in the sense that it is mass production--lots of identical products trying to make them cheaply to compete by selling at a low price   
                                                                                        you have a large market because of transportation to sell nationally or internationally
                                                                                        bring workers together in one place where you can supervise their work

but slaves were always easily cheated and could be sold away when the owner wanted money

why did slaves choose to have children in such bad conditions?
tobacco factory