Irwin 7


Perky wanted to synthesize nature and technology--he called his factory a palace of light
Olmsted brothers laid out the grounds

shredded wheat factorypostcard showing the
              factory and the falls

"not once touched by human hands" (p. 196)
Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
a utopian scheme that was successful

Annie Taylor and her barrelAnnie Taylor went over the falls in a barrel--do you buy Irwin's argument that that was part of declining excitement because she was a frumpy schoolteacher?

1895 American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society
American Civic Association

but Niagara no longer had the most or the cheapest electric power

  in 1969 Niagara falls was turned off for 6 months for repairs, but they decided not to remove the rock rubble at the bottom of the falls