Science, Technology, and War
- does war speed up the progress of technology?
- the military is a big source of new technology (but
only in certain areas)
- history of government support for scientific research
and new technology
- from early on gov't supported some practical
science, eg. mapmaking
- late 19th c. government funded agricultural
- government-funded research for war started in WWI
- WWII even more funding for research
- this time the funding continued after the war
- government started funding basic science
- in recent years industry funding has become more
important than government funding
- what is the government good at doing and what is
private industry good at doing?
- the military-industrial-academic complex
- how does war shape the development of technology
The Civil War was significantly impacted by
technology, particularly railroads and more accurate
guns. Maxim's invention of the first machine gun grew
out of civil war experiments. Yet when World War I
came the U.S. found itself behind in military technology.
World War I started in 1914, US entered April
1917, Armistice Dec. 1918.
- The war quickly settled down to a trench
warfare (photo)
stalemate due to the use of machine
guns and barbed wire--technology seemed to be the
only way out.
- as well as airplanes and poison gas, tanks
and submarines were developed into useful weapons
- The war therefore led to the first major
wartime efforts to develop technology for military use
French tank
- A few months after the war began the
French apparently used gas against the Germans and the Germans
retaliated in kind.
- In the 9th month of the war the Germans
released a cloud of chlorine gas--which causes choking--on
French troops who retreated in panic, leaving behind
perhaps 5,000 dead. A four mile gap in the line was
opened, but the Germans had not brought forward enough
reserves to exploit it and the Allies repaired the break.
- At first troops wore makeshift masks of
handkerchiefs wetted with urine and tied over nose and
- Germany was widely criticized for breaking the Hague
Conventions of 1899.
- In mid-1915 Germans started using
phosgene, which causes severe lung damage, and both sides
developed gas masks.
- By the end of 1916 a variety of weapons
were in use by both sides. Germans introduced
mustard gas--could cause burns to exposed skin even when a
soldier was protected by a mask.
- This quickly became a research race.
It started with the US
of Mines working on adapting mining equipment.
- A central lab was created in fall 1917 at
American University--at peak employed 1200
scientists. Developed a new gas, Lewisite, that
poisoned through the skin, simpler ways of producing
mustard gas, and more
- Chemical Warfare Service created July
1918--university chemists and Bureau of Mines personnel
were given commissions.
- In all as many as 50 different gases were
used--poison-gas causalities 1.3 million with 92,000
- After the war chemists were proud of their
contribution to the nation--wanted ongoing research.
Argued that chemical weapons were humane (and effective)
because they disabled soldiers rather than killing
them. They didn't get the continuing high level of
research they wanted.
- A strong reaction against the use of gas
took over instead. The Geneva Protocol--an
international protocol signed in 1925 prohibiting the use
in war of "asphyxiating, poisonous and other gasses" and
of "bacteriological methods of warfare."
- The treaty held through World War II but use of
poison gas is a difficult issue today. Fear becomes
an issue even when it is not used: seven Israelis
suffocated to death due to improper use of gas masks
during Iraqi attacks in the Gulf War.
German signal
corps soldiers placing their carrier pigeons in a shelter
during a gas attack
The Navy also decided it needed to encourage
- Thomas
Edison said he had a plan for preparedness but that
he was reluctant to discuss the terrible devices he had in
mind. War could be mechanized with labor-saving
- In 1915 the Navy established the Naval
Consulting Board
- the board was to consist of "Civilian
Experts on Machines" who would originate ideas and
critically examine ideas submitted by others--11
professional societies each named two members. These
were engineers and business leaders, not scientists
- the Board had a big fight about building
its own laboratory, but the laboratory that was eventually
built continued after the war as the Naval
Research Laboratory
- the effort that got the most public
attention was a plan to screen inventions submitted by the
public--Edison believed that American inventors could win
the war
- 110,000 inventions were submitted, 110
deemed worthy of development, only one reached
production--an aircraft simulator invented by W. Guy
- one of the Board's largest projects was
trying to find new methods of submarine detection
- they also sponsored research on gyroscopic
stabilization, leading to the first primitive autopilots
for aircraft (Lawrence Sperry proved they didn't work too
well--at least not well enough for the pilot to get
romantic instead of flying the plane)
World War I British Submarine
Meanwhile scientists felt unappreciated and the
National Academy of Sciences (an honorary society created
during the Civil War) established the National Research
Council in 1916 to show what science could contribute
- Scientists wanted to show how valuable
science is: George Ellery Hale (an astronomer) wrote: "I
really believe this is the greatest chance we have ever
had to advance research in America"
- they also focused on the problem of
submarine detection--German U-Boats sunk over a million
tons of Allied and neutral merchantmen in the first
quarter of 1917
- the NRC brought in professors from
universities to work on the problem
- a young mathematician named Max
Mason had the idea of a
listening device that could focus sound--he build
something that looked like a trombone
- the final device had a range of 3 miles
and was very successful. Similar technology was
developed for artillery ranging
- scientists felt they had proved the
scientific research approach to developing new technology
So then what was the impact of war on technology and
Curtis JN-4 Aircraft, World War I
Consider aviation as another example. The Wright brothers had a terrible time interesting
anyone in their success--the U.S. military did not purchase
its first plane until 1909
- Europeans were more interested, and during World War
I learned to use aircraft for reconnaissance, bombing, and
- when the U.S. entered World War I in 1917,
we lagged far behind in military aircraft
- European countries had done much more, and
in 1915 the U.S. realized it was behind and created an
organization called the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics to jump-start the production of military
- forced a patent pool--Manufacturers
Aircraft Association--to allow the best technologies to be
- the Curtis Company designed a training
plane, the JN-4, but battle planes were built on a British
- In the year before the U.S. declared war the U.S.
aviation industry produced 411 planes, though a large
number of airplane engines were shipped to Europe by one
company partnership that had designed a good lightweight
engine and techniques for mass-producing it (the Liberty
Engine, Packard and Hall-Scott).
- all of the countries involved struggled to
figure out how to make effective use of aircraft--new
strategies had to be developed by pilots
and integrated by generals
- mass production of aircraft was well
underway in the U.S. when the war ended--2091 planes had
been shipped to France and 1041 were awaiting shipment
- by the end of the war in 1919
the army had 5,500 planes, though most of the fighters
were purchased in Europe.
French Spad WWI fighter--National Air and Space Museum
there was a need for
research also, or at least coordination, and it almost
instantly outgrew the resources of amateurs like the Wright
brothers or even the small firms that were building aircraft.
- The National Advisory Committee on
Aeronautics was one of a number of organizations created
as a result of lobbying by scientists and engineers for a
new government role in research and development in World
War I.
- President Wilson signed the naval
appropriations bill that created the National Advisory
Committee on Aeronautics in March 1915. The
scientists, engineers and enthusiasts who had lobbied for
the bill for more than four years wanted government
funding of aeronautical research to allow the United
States to catch up with rapid developments in
Europe. But the legislation did not pass until the
outbreak of war provided an additional push, and the bill
did nothing more than create an advisory committee and
provide it with a small appropriation.
- The NACA then set out to invent its own
role. In its first few years the new Committee
played a significant role in the wartime coordination of
industry and used some of its small budget to sponsor
research at private institutions, but its leaders made the
building of a new laboratory their highest priority.
The laboratory at Langley Field, in Virginia, established
the NACA as a federal research agency despite its title as
an advisory committee. After the war ended, debates
over the role of the federal government in supporting and
regulating aviation created considerable uncertainly about
the future of the NACA, but the final result strengthened
the Committee's emphasis on research because other
aviation-related functions--regulation and the sponsorship
of infrastructure--were assigned to the Department of
Commerce. The federal government also helped the
aviation industry by funding air mail service.
- At the Langley Memorial Laboratory,
dedicated in June 1920, NACA scientists and engineers set
out to invent a role for the federal government in
peacetime aviation research. The laboratory provided
fairly up-to-date facilities: a wind tunnel, an
engine-dynamometer laboratory, and a general research
laboratory building.
- The laboratory developed a focus on
aeronautical principles both in order to take advantage of
its wind tunnel facilities and to avoid competition with
the military services (which wanted to maintain control of
testing and setting specifications for new aircraft
designs for miliary missions) and the National Bureau of
Standards and industry (which had facilities for engine
- The NACA found a niche not only in its
choice of research program but also in how it approached
research problems: "The strength of the NACA seems to be
that it had the luxury of pursuing incrementally over a
long period of time answers to problems that were of great
interest to the commercial and military worlds."
- The leaders of the NACA initially thought
that the committee had to establish its reputation by
scientific (not engineering) achievement, and hired Max
Munk from Germany because of his theoretical
reputation. Munk made a key discovery, that by
compressing the air in a tunnel you could use scale models
in wind tunnels to provide results that would correlate
with data from a full-sized plane in actual use.
This idea was put into use in a 5 foot diameter variable
density tunnel in 1923, and then was followed by a 20 foot
diameter tunnel for full scale research in 1927.
wind tunnel
- the NACA used the large tunnel for
research on propellers, landing gear, and drag. They
discovered that the engine provide as much as 1/3 of the
plane's total drag, and invented a way to cover the engine
to enhance cooling while reducing drag. During
test a plane that normally averaged 157 mph averaged
177 mph. But this wasn't a theoretical
breakthrough--each cowling was custom developed for a
particular combination of airplane and engine by wind
tunnel experiments.
detail from Diego Rivera mural at Detroit Institute of Art
- The necessity of practical results to
justify federal funding and the dominant role of engineers
on the NACA main committee gradually reversed that
attitude, establishing the relationship between
theoretical and practical research as a central tension
within the laboratory and the agency as a whole.
At the end of World War I, the
airplane had proved itself as a weapon but military aircraft
weren't of much practical use
- because there were more surplus airplanes than
demand, production of new airplanes almost ceased until
the government rescued the industry by creating an air
mail service
- Aeronautical Engineering began to develop
as a field of study: in 1929 1400 students were studying
aero-engineering in more than a dozen schools.
- Meanwhile, aircraft design was developing
in the 1920s and 1930s as the market finally began to
expand again.
- Ford
trimotor of 1926--metal structure and cantilevered
Ford Trimotor, National Air and Space Museum
- People began to predict that soon there would be an
airplane in every garage
- Aluminum propeller developed in 1925, and
variable pitch propellers by the end of the decade.
- The first successful helicopter flew in
Germany in 1936; Russian emigre Igor Sikorsky had a U.S.
design in tests by 1939 and got a contract from the army
in 1940
Sikorsky's first helicopter
The airplane became a symbol of how much the world had
World War II started in 1939, the US entered
in the fall of 1941
- it grew out of the desperate economic
situation and finally provided an end to the depression
- scientists and engineers were eager to put
their skill to work and the military moved more quickly
this time, organizing a National
Research Committee in 1940
- the NDRC concentrated on placing contracts
at universities, not building new research centers
- In May 1941 NDRC changed its name to the
Office of Scientific Research and Development
- sponsored many important wartime research
set on airplane
- radar research had begun in the 1930s
after some scientists had observed reflections of radio
waves from objects
- by
the British had a continuous chain of stations but
these used long waves and required two large antennas
- N. L. Oliphant invented the resonant
cavity magnetron, first tube capable of sufficient power
for radar at wavelengths less than 50 cm (therefore
allowing much smaller antennas and also more accurate
- this new idea was brought to the US in
1940 and a major research effort started to develop
microwave radar
- the Radiation Lab at MIT designed 150
different radar systems--three generations of systems went
into use before the war ended
- invented a junction box to transmit and
receive from the same antenna
- invented Loran: a way to determine your
location by triangulating from special radio signals
- developed the Microwave Early Warning
system with a range of 200 miles
- the Radio Lab at Harvard worked on radar
countermeasures--jamming, straw
The Proximity Fuse
- in 1940 anti-aircraft fire using timed
fused brought down one plane per 2500 rounds fired
- you need the shell to explode even without
a direct hit
- many possible technological
approaches for detecting when the shell is close to
the airplane--radar, sonar, passive acoustic,
- very hard to detect anything from a shell
not just moving rapidly through the air but also spinning
at 475 RPS. During development it was jokingly
called "the world's most complicated form of
self-destroying ammunition"
- radar seemed like the best bet, but how to
make a device with vacuum tubes that would fit in a space
the size of an ice cream cone and survive a force of
20,000 g when fired?
- at one point scientists were dropping
tubes from the roof of a 3 story building onto a concrete
driveway to test their impact resistance
- development went amazingly fast: pilot
production started in Nov. 1941, simulated combat tests in
Aug. 1942, in use by Jan. 1943
- mass production of 2 million fuses reduced
the cost to $16-23
- results: 6 times more effective than timed
The Atomic Bomb:
German scientists many of the key discoveries in
nuclear physics that made nuclear weapons possible, leading to
fear in the U.S. that the Germans would build an atomic bomb.
- some elements are unstable and will naturally change
to something else and release radioactivity
- Henri
Becquerel discovered radioactivity as a property of
uranium in 1896, Marie Curie discovered other radioactive
elements, but they didn't know what was happening
Lise Meitner
- Otto
Hahn , Lise Meitner, and O.R.
Frisch worked in the 1930s to understand the results
of bombarding uranium with neutrons--realized that the
uranium fissioned.
- by 1939 it was obvious and widely know
that a chain reaction might be possible because each atom
that fissioned released neutrons that could hit other
atoms and cause them to fission
- Refugee scientists in the U.S. feared a
German bomb. Leo
Szilard composed two letters for Einstein to sign
warning President Roosevelt of the dangers of a German
atomic bomb, one in August 1939
and the other in April 1940. Fear was widespread
enough that U.S. and British journals voluntarily censored
related scientific papers.
- Germans were indeed working on a bomb, but
got stuck in a dead end. Supporters of Werner
Heisenberg say he did this on purpose.
Difficulties setting up such a big, uncertain
research and development project: the Manhattan Project
- First organized under National Defense
Research Committee (approval for project Oct. 1941) then
turned over to the army in June 1942. The army put
General Leslie
Groves in charge.
- The first thing to do was prove a chain
reaction was possible. That effort was led by Enrico
Fermi , first at Columbia then at the University of
Chicago. The first
chain reaction took place Dec. 2, 1942 in a small
reactor built in a squash court at the Univ. of Chicago.
- Providing fuel for the bomb was a
tremendous technical challenge--must separate uranium-235,
which is less than 1% of the uranium mined and differs in
weight by only .13%. Two methods of separation: a
cyclotron and gaseous diffusion of uranium hexaflouride
(the only gaseous compound, but one that is both poisonous
and corrosive) were set up at Oak Ridge
, Tenn., using TVA power. The other
alternative is to make plutonium by chain
reactions--reactors to do this were built in Hanford,
K-25 gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge
- Robert
Oppenheimer led the effort to design the bomb and
said he needed to bring scientists together at a single
laboratory. Los Alamos opened in March 1943.
Developed two bomb designs, one using uranium and one
using plutonium. The plutonium design was tested in
the Trinity
test near Alamogordo NM on July 16, 1945. Exploded
with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT.
Bombs used in Japan
The decision to drop the bomb (
good links on the
decision )
- Germany was clearly defeated and the
Japanese were retreating--was it necessary to use the
- Could there have been a demonstration and
warning instead? Would it have been used in Europe
or was racism a factor?
- After spending $2 billion would the
government have been accused of wasting money if it wasn't
- when Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, the
bomb project was so secret that Vice President Harry
Truman didn't even know about it. The bomb was used
because having built it everyone assumed that having built
it they would use it.
- three B-29 bombers set out for Hiroshima ,
Japan on Aug. 6, 1945. The Japanese sounded the
all-clear when they saw only 3 planes. The Enola Gay
dropped the 5 ton bomb and it exploded with the force of
15,000 tons of TNT. 130,000 people died within 3
months, 68% of the buildings of the city were destroyed.
- A plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
on Aug. 9, 1945. Exploded with the force of 22,000
tons of TNT.
bomb damage in Hiroshima
Does it fit the theory of just war?
The scientists tried to prevent an arms race from
developing. Why did they feel so strongly, and did they
have any hope of success?
People were
frightened by the bomb and began to question the idea that
technological progress was always good
- the cold war meant real fears that a nuclear war
would start
- Hiroshima made vivid the dangers of radioactivity,
leading to movies about mutant monsters (Godzilla, 1954)
- young people in the 1960s began to reject the boring
lives their parents had wanted after WWII
- Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1960, and
public concern about environmental issues grew rapidly
- the Civil Rights Movement was showing the American
people that you can change the wrongs of society
- Sputnik (the first artificial satellite) and
computers started a new technological age
- The space program turned out in some ways to be a
dead end, while the computer has taken us in very
different directions
World War II changed the relationship
between science and government
Scientists involved in the war wanted several
things after the war: Continued military funding, a civilian
Energy agency, and civilian funding source for basic
scientific research
Lessons Learned from WWII:
- Basic science=power
- we can develop new technologies quickly to
do whatever we want
- technology gives us dangerous power
- some policy issues require technical
knowledge in order to understand the issue
Vannevar Bush
- wrote a prediction
the future in 1945--quite accurate except he missed
completely the digital computer (much of his engineering
research had been on analog computers)
- wrote a report later published as a book called: Science:
The Endless Frontier
- his belief that the federal government should pay for
basic scientific research led to the National Science
- he was critical of the manned space program on the
grounds that it was too dangerous
- he understood that managing information was becoming
a key problem
support for science
- Department of Defense was convinced that
research was essential; leftover wartime money poured into
basic research, eg. at the new Office of Naval Research
- Office
of Naval Research in 1948 supported 700 projects in
150 universities and nonprofit labs involving 2000
scientists at a cost of about $20 million a year
- this was basic research, not specific
military projects. The Navy actually worried about
whether universities would accept military funding, but
these grants were unclassified and had no controls on
publication. Scientists had few qualms
- other military services started similar
Impact of military funding
- Some fields of science got a lot more
funding than others (eg. chemistry suffered relative to
- universities became big businesses
- “big science”: big projects run by teams
of scientists instead of individual scientists designing
their own work
Federal Funding for Basic Scientific Research
Millions of Dollars (not adjusted for
year |
Dept. Defense |
total |
1952 |
31 |
34 |
1 |
121 |
1955 |
20 |
42 |
10 |
130 |
1960 |
168 |
104 |
68 |
590 |
1965 |
263 |
258 |
171 |
1,435 |
1970 |
317 |
287 |
245 |
1,926 |
1975 |
300 |
313 |
486 |
2,588 |
1980 |
540 |
523 |
815 |
4,674 |
1985 |
861 |
943 |
1,262 |
7,819 |
1990 |
948 |
1,505 |
1,586 |
11,286 |
1995 |
1,264 |
1,634 |
1,973 |
13,895 |
The totals are so much larger
than the amounts for specific agencies because there is
considerable basic research done by the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare and because NASA expenditures are
counted mostly as basic research.
- Scientists wanted the continuation of
federal research funding, from a civilian agency.
Vannevar Bush wrote a report calling for this called:
Science: The Endless Frontier
- Senato Harry M. Kilgore (D. West Virginia)
proposed a bill in 1944 emphasizing R&D for small
business. Patents were to be owned by the federal
- Senator Magnuson proposed a bill along the
lines the scientists wanted--scientists would decide how
to spend the money
- mid 1946 compromise leaning towards
Kilgore failed to pass, 1947 compromise leaning towards
Magnuson passed but was vetoed by Truman on grounds of
lack of accountability
- compromise finally passed in 1950, but
only got $225,000 total the first year
Federal Funding
for Research and Development
Millions of
Dollars (not adjusted for inflation)
year |
Dept. of Ag. |
Dept Defense |
Total |
1951 |
55 |
1,123 |
158 |
45 |
.15 |
1,522 |
1955 |
72 |
1,529 |
253 |
43 |
10 |
2,045 |
1960 |
126 |
5,712 |
762 |
369 |
75 |
7,552 |
1965 |
225 |
6,797 |
1,241 |
4,952 |
187 |
14,614 |
1970 |
281 |
7,360 |
1,346 |
3,800 |
289 |
15,339 |
1975 |
420 |
9,012 |
2,047 |
3,064 |
595 |
19,039 |
1980 |
688 |
13,981 |
4,753 |
3,234 |
882 |
29,830 |
1985 |
943 |
26,792 |
4,966 |
3,327 |
1,346 |
48,360 |
1990 |
1,108 |
37,268 |
5,631 |
6,533 |
1,689 |
63,559 |
1995 |
1,380 |
34,362 |
6,145 |
9,015 |
2,149 |
68,755 |
The Cold War was the
primary justification for all this military spending on
science and technology:
- The U.S. was already afraid of communism
before World War II, but the Soviet Union was our ally
against Germany
- Once it was clear that Germany was
falling, both countries rushed to occupy as much territory
as possible. One the reasons the U.S. used the Atom
Bomb was to end the war faster so the Soviets would not
take as much territory in Asia
- The Soviet Union wanted some control in
what it saw as buffer states, and tended to move towards
making them puppets.
- The U.S. saw this as the Soviets moving to
gradually expand
world dominion and developed a policy of
containment. The Truman Doctrine (1947)--the U.S.
would help the people of free countries fighting communist
takeover (either from without or within)
- mindset--everyone has to choose sides
- The U.S. supplied Berlin by air (which no
one was sure would be possible) when the Soviets blockaded
it in 1948 to try to take complete control.
planes lined up for Berlin airlift, US Air Force Photo
- Domino theory--fear of other countries
falling to communism
- The Red Scare of the 1950s (Joseph
McCarthy)--anyone who had had communist or disloyal ideas
was a threat to the nation and should loose their job
- Korean War (1950-53)
- Cuban
Crisis , October 18-29,
1962. The Soviet Union was installing nuclear
missiles in Cuba. Kennedy responded by blockading
Cuba. The Soviet leader, Nikita S. Khrushchev,
authorized the firing of nuclear weapons against the U.S.
if the U.S. invaded Cuba. After several days the
Soviets agreed to remove the missiles.
- The Department of Defense got lots of
money to develop new technology because it was seen as a
wartime necessity
The Nuclear Arms
- The Soviets did not start full-scale
research on an atomic bomb until after Hiroshima, but once
Stalin realized its importance and started pushing they
caught up fast.
- first Soviet atomic bomb tested Aug.
1949 (espionage helped them at most by 3
years). Stalin wasn’t satisfied he was secure still
and the U.S. felt a lot more insecure
- The first Soviet atomic bomb had used the
same design as some early U.S. bombs. But the first Soviet
hydrogen bomb was an original design, different and
perhaps even ahead of that of the United States. On August
12, 1953, the Soviet Union exploded its first
thermonuclear bomb at the Semipalatinsk test site in
Missiles and Satellites
- U.S. cold war strategy was based on
bombers carrying nuclear weapons--for one thing, it was
cheap, and Truman and Eisenhower both were reluctant to
increase the size of the government and distort the
economy by large-scale defense spending.
Substituting technological superiority for a large
standing army put a new weight on being ahead
- after initial slow development,
intercontinental ballistic missiles came to be seen as the
next key technology
- First successful test of Atlas was Dec.
1957, first unit activated April 1958 but real operational
capability probably not until 1959. Initially had to
be erected and fueled (and LOX) before launch.
- Soviet R-7/SS-6 Sapwood ICBM tested
Jan. 30, 1958, limited operational capability in early
Titan ICBM
If it was possible for human beings to fly, then
why not fly to the moon?
- Jules Verne's novel From the Earth to
the Moon (1865), featuring a launch from a cannon in
northeastern Florida
- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's work (influenced
by Verne) in Russia on the theory of rocket propulsion?
- in 1903 he published a book titled Exploring
Space with Reactive Devices in which he laid out
the mathematics of orbital mechanics and designed a
rocket powered by liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.
- Recognized many of the problems, eg.
burning up during reentry, and thought of multistage
rockets (which he called rocket trains).
- No attempt to experiment--he received
only one small grant.
- Saw spaceflight as liberation from
human limits and the first step towards the perfection
of human society.
- Robert Goddard's theories (1919 treatise A
Method of Reaching Extremely High Altitudes), and
experiments, starting in 1926, with small, liquid-fuel
- In 1930 Goddard set up full time
research in New Mexico, attempting 41 launches, 31 of
them successful, in the next 11 years. His
largest rocket was 22 feet in length, fueled with
gasoline and liquid oxygen. After 1941 he
couldn't get further support, and he died in 1945.
- He was much laughed at and couldn't
take it, so he conducted his research privately,
failed to build an organization, suffered from lack of
support, and had little influence. He repeatedly
failed to get military funding (on the grounds that
the U.S. had no need for military rockets at that
time), and while he received over $200,000 from
foundations, it was on a year by year basis that made
it difficult to undertake large projects. His
fame came only when space travel began to look
realistic--in 1960 the U.S. government awarded his
family $1 million for the rights to use more than 200
of his patents.
The key to turning this enthusiasm into a
serious space program turned out to be government support, and
the Germans were the first to get it.
- the roots of this development are in an
society of amateur rocketeers inspired by a
German-speaking Rumanian schoolteacher and rocket
theoretician, Hermann
Oberth, who published The Rocket into Planetary
Space in 1923
- The Society for Space Travel (VfR) was
founded in 1927, with Oberth as its president
Society for
Space Travel
- by 1929 it had 870 members, including
Wernher von Braun, who had just graduated from high
- It had two goals: popularize the idea of
flight to the moon and planets and perform serious
experiments in rocket propulsion.
- Oberth was a classic incompetent
theoretician (one of his colleagues said that if "Oberth
wants to drill a hole, first he invents the drill press"),
early efforts resulted in many explosions including one
that killed a member, Despite these problems, the society
successfully launched 87 small liquid-fueled rockets in
1931 from an abandoned WWI ammunition storage facility
(including one that set fire to a nearby police
station). Experiments continued at a slowing rate
until 1934, when the society went bankrupt
- Amateur research could only afford to go
so far: the VfR was funding only by dues and admission
charged to view launches. The leaders of the VfR
promoted the idea of rockets as weapons in hopes of
getting the funding they needed.
- The German army became interested in
rockets in 1929 as a way of getting around the treaty of
Versailles limits on the army
- In 1932 the German army assigned Walter
Dornberger to look into liquid-fueled rockets, and he
hired von Braun and a number of amateurs--but clearly to
develop a weapon, not space travel
- This led to the building of the V-2
intermediate range ballistic missile, used against
- When the war was over von Braun arranged
to to captured by the U.S. not the Soviet Union and said
he wasn't a Nazi, he was only interested in space travel.
captured V-2 being prepared for launch
U.S. military interest was at first spotty.
- U.S. cold war strategy was based on
bombers carrying nuclear weapons. For one thing, it
was cheap, and Truman and Eisenhower both were reluctant
to increase the size of the government and distort the
economy by large-scale defense spending.
Substituting technological superiority for a large
standing army put a new weight on being ahead
- Project RAND (an Air Force think tank)
produced in May 1946 a report: "Preliminary Design of an
Experimental World-Circling Spaceship" mentioned
reconnaissance, weather, and communications
- In 1951 RAND scientists visiting
Wright Field heard a briefing by James Lipp of Boston
University's Physical Research Laboratory about using
television for satellite reconnaissance. The key
RAND reconnaissance people though the idea was ridiculous,
and set out to disprove it with pictures taken at 30,000
feet with 8mm movie camera lenses mounted to a 35mm Leica
camera loaded with coarse grain film and processed for
poor resolution. The pictures showed streets and
bridges, convincing Amrom Katz and others that satellite
reconnaissance was feasible.
- the army had von Braun working on medium
range ballistic missiles, the Air Force was working on the
Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile, and the Navy's
Naval Research Lab was doing a wide range of scientific
research on rockets--but none of these had high priority
or crash project funding
- Korean war led to more funding for
intercontinental ballistic missiles in 1951--Atlas--but
with funding only for a slow development process (at
Convair, even in FY 1954 Atlas got only $14
million). Only in 1954 was the decision make to give
it high priority
Reconnaissance was a big need:
- What created stronger interest in the
Department of Defense was not only fears of
intercontinental ballistic missiles but the lure of spy
- Balloon reconnaissance over the Soviet
Union began in 1956--243 balloons were never heard from
again and only 44 were successfully recovered (the Soviets
put some on display in Moscow and showed pictures of an
air base in Turkey they said they had found on the film
carried by one of the balloons)
- The U-2
was approved in 1954, designed by Kelly Johnson and the
Lockheed Skunk Works in 80 days, and first used in
1956. A Clemson
alumnus piloted one of the key flights.
U-2, US Air Force photo
- One of the key problems for an open state
competing with a closed one was information. You
could do it with aircraft--U-2, but only at substantial
risk--a U-2 was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960,
creating a major
diplomatic incident. This proved to be how
rockets and particularly launching satellites finally got
substantial support
With all the rocket building, satellites were so
clearly in the works that they were made part of the plans for
the International Geophysical Year, a cooperative research
effort in 1957-1958
- But this raised an interesting dilemma--it
wasn't a race for a spy satellite but an idea for
something the Soviets didn't need and wouldn't like
- Eisenhower insisted that the project be
peaceful rather than military. For one thing, this
reflected his attempt to avoid a military-dominated state.
- this may also have been a strategy to
establish the legitimacy of satellite overflight.
Where do air rights end?--how to establish open skies in
international law
- one way to do it is to launch a scientific
satellite, preferably under international auspices
(IGY). Far better that this be launched by the
Navy's rocket built for scientific research than by what
would clearly be a ballistic missile (then it would just
look like a military test)
- or, you can let the Soviet Union launch
first and not complain when their satellite goes over the
U.S. Then they can hardly complain when a U.S.
satellites goes over them
- The Naval Research Lab's Vanguard
program was chosen for the first launch in a close vote by
a panel of experts (on the basis of a better satellite) to
launch the first satellite instead of von Braun's
Redstone/Jupiter (which could have reached orbit in a test
flight in Sept. 1956 if it had had a live upper
stage). This was probably not a political decision,
but it was on the basis on science, not a race with the
- What is clearly political is that the DoD
and Eisenhower went along with that choice, knowing that
it almost surely meant that the USSR would launch first
- And they did, launching Sputnik 1 on
October 4, 1957
Sputnik 1, National Air and Space Museum
- This lead to a large public furor and the
creation of the National Aeronautics and Space
Enough work had been done on a project called
Man-in-Space-Soonest by the founding of NASA (Oct. 1,
1958) so that a consensus had been reached:
- goal: to orbit and recover a manned
satellite at the earliest practical date and to
investigate the capabilities of man in this environment
- configuration: a ballistic capsule with
high aerodynamic drag to be landed with parachutes
- the Atlas ICBM was the most reliable
available booster system (although not tested
successfully until Nov. 1958), but expensive ($2.5 million
each) and not yet available, so testing was done with a
cluster of solid rockets called little Joe and with
- In Dec. 1958 Eisenhower decided to
draw astronaut candidates only from the pool of military
test pilots (for security reasons, for one thing).
The education requirement was reduced to bachelors degree
or equivalent and test pilot school.
- Testing of astronaut candidates started in
early 1959 from a pool of 110 qualified pilots. 32
were selected on the basis of written and psychological
tests for physical testing. This testing followed a
pattern set up for the ManHigh research balloon
program--very detailed medical testing to ensure good
health and establish a baseline and environmental
tests. 18 of the 31 were recommended without
medical reservations. They went into a program of
training and participation in system design
- the first unmanned test of the Mercury
capsule with the Atlas booster was held July 29,
1960. One minute after lift-off telemetry showed a
complete loss of pressure in fuel tanks, then telemetry
was lost. The booster was in the clouds at the time,
but apparently it either exploded or suffered catastrophic
structural failure.
- In Sept. 1960 an Atlas-Able carrying an
early moon probe also failed severely, raising
questions about the use of Atlas for Mercury which were
particularly severe because of the pressures of an
election year.
- There was a lot of press criticism that
Mercury was not a crash program, but rather took
things one step at a time with attention to budget and
took second priority to the ICBM program.
- the first test of the Mercury-Redstone
combination to be used to launch a person into
ballistic flight was conducted on Nov. 21, 1960. The
booster lifted 4 inches off the launch pad and then
settled back down. The escape tower activated and
took off, without the capsule, landing near the launch
site and the capsule, still sitting on the booster, shot
out its parachutes. Disarming the booster was not
easy, but at least it was available for study to determine
the cause of failure (a plug which disconnected unevenly,
sending an abort signal).
Mercury-Redstone 1, NASA photo
- on Dec. 19, 1960 a successful test of
Mercury-Redstone was finally completed.
- the question of whether a human being
could survive in space became unnecessary on April
12, 1961, when the Soviet Union launched Yuri Gagarin into
orbit in a capsule weighing 3 times what Mercury
weighed. No news of the flight was released until
after recovery.
- on May 5, 1961, Alan B. Shepard, Jr., rode
a Mercury-Redstone in a ballistic orbit into space on live
- safety of the Altas was such a concern
that a chimpanzee named Enos was launched on Mercury
Atlas 5 on Nov. 28, 1961. The machine to test his
abilities under stress--pulling levers to receive a reward
or avoid punishment--malfunctioned and he received shocks
even when correct. He performed, but arrived on the
ship hopping mad.
- after a series of delays John Glenn was
finally orbited on Feb. 20, 1962, Scott Carpenter on May
24, 1962, Walter Schirra on Oct. 3, 1962, and Gordon
Cooper on May 15, 1963 (observations of the earth).
Once you have put people in space, what do you
do with them?
- The Dec. 1960 PSAC Report had projected a
manned circumlunar flight about 1970, and a manned landing
on the moon about 1975 at a total cost of $26 to 38
NASA included only circumlunar flight in its
ten year plan, yet as early as mid-1959 NASA had
identified a manned trip to the moon as a logical next
step after putting people in space and had started the
necessary planning.
- Eisenhower refused to include money for
Apollo development in his 1962 budget, while at the same
time he approved development of an anti-satellite
Meanwhile, Kennedy was elected in November
1960, having made a big fuss in his campaign about the
missile gap (which did not in fact exist)
- the first signs from the Kennedy
administration were negative on space in general--NASA
worried he would support the Air Force which wanted NASA
to be replace by a military space program
- Kennedy's vice president, Johnson, had
long been a major supporter of the space program
- Not until Jan 30 did Kennedy appoint a new
NASA administrator, James Webb, who took office Feb.
14. But Webb was clearly an ambitious man
the key shift, however, came in Kennedy's
political situation
- April 12, 1961, Soviet Union launched
Gagarin, and the U.S. was again embarrassingly behind
- at an April 14 meeting it became clear
that Kennedy wanted to accept the Soviet challenge, but
was worried by the cost
on April 17 a group of anti-Castro Cuban
exiles, trained and financed by the U.S. invaded
Cuba in what came to be called the Bay of Pigs
fiasco because it was a total failure.
- on April 19 Kennedy asked Johnson to find
a "space program which promises dramatic results in which
we could win. Johnson and the Space Council
organized hearings to answer this question.
concluded that there was no chance of beating the Russians
in putting a multi-manned laboratory in space
- NASA said we could beat the Russians to
the moon, and set 1967 as a target date.
Accelerating the program would raise the cost from $22.3
billion to $33.7 billion
- Meanwhile, on May 5, 1961, Alan B.
Shepard, Jr., rode a Mercury-Redstone in a ballistic
trajectory into space, with live TV coverage. This
was a reminder of what good press came from putting people
in space
- Webb and Secretary of Defense MacNamara,
with Johnson's blessing, wrote a memo entitled
"Recommendations for our National Space Program: Changes,
Policies, Goals." Called for a manned lunar landing
before 1970, emphasizing national prestige and
international competition
- Kennedy approved this as it
stood--proposed a 61% increase in 1962 NASA budget
- On May 25, in a speech (listen
it all) entitled "Urgent National
Needs" Kennedy said: "I believe that this Nation should
commit itself to achieving the goal,before this decade is
out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely
to earth."
- the key point is that Apollo was a crash
program--faster than even NASA had planned. The
essential definition of a crash program is that different
approaches are worked on in parallel
What caused the end of the cold
- bankruptcy of the Soviet Union
- due to arms race, corruption, problems
with their system
- some people argue that Reagan's
commitment to Strategic Defense Initiative (defense
against ICBMs) was the specific increase in the arms
race that the Soviets couldn't afford
- thaw in relationship between U.S. and
Soviets in later 1980s, new willingness to negotiate
on both sides, the U.S. didn't take advantage of
Soviet weakness
Transformation of Soviet Union
- Gorbachev's Coming to Power (1985)--a new
- Economic Reform Plan: Perestroika
- make the system work better by giving
more incentives
- not traditional incentives but
market-based incentives--small step towards a free
- Political Reform Plan: Glasnost (Openness)
eg. less censorship of newspapers, arts
- Foreign Policy: From Detente
(willingness to make treaties with your enemy to make
things stable) to Disengagement (step out of the race)
The Cold War ends:
- Poland: Elections of 1989--Poles had an
election and chose leaders who weren't Soviet puppets, the
Soviets did not intervene
- Fall of Berlin Wall (Nov. 9, 1989)--see
also a
personal account
- came from ordinary people who refused to
live by the old rules
- Reunification of Germany (1990)
- Disintegration of Soviet Union (1991)
- Secession of Baltic States [Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia]
- Collapse of U.S.S.R. & Boris
Yelsin's rise to power--moving substantially away from
Impact of the End of the Cold War on the U.S.
Department of Defense
- end of the arms race--no one to compete
with any more
- new mission--small wars, police actions
(when do you have the right to interfere in another
- need different kinds of weapons, spending
money different places
- budget cuts, major cuts in some programs