General Test Instructions

The tests are posted as a Turn-it-in assignment.  That means that your answer will be checked for duplication against other answers submitted and against the web.  In order to do so, does keep a copy of your work.  If you have a problem with that please contact the professor  right away.

You will write your essay as a Microsoft Word file (if you use another word processor you must save in Rich Text format) and then submit it by going to assignments in Blackboard and then to  "turn in tests and paper here"   You will see the assignment--click on view/complete just below it.  On the page that then comes up, click on the browse button next to attach local file and find the file on your own computer containing your essay.  When you have selected it, make sure to hit submit.

The test instructions say to write an essay of about 600-1000 words on the question given. Make sure to organize your thoughts into paragraphs and to use specific evidence to prove your points. If you use a quote or very specific facts from the assigned reading, you may simply put the author's name and the page number in parentheses.  If you use other sources please indicate your sources, using any form you want (so long as I could find the source).  You may consult books, notes, and web pages while writing your test but you may not communicate about the test with another person (except the professor) either in person or using communication technology.

You will be graded both on the quality of your analysis and on using specific, appropriate examples.  The examples should be specific historical stories, not just generalizations.  When I look for analysis, I am looking for you to answer the question in your own way.  You are welcome to use "I" in your writing.  But I'm not looking just for your opinion.  I can't grade an opinion.  But I can grade how you put the ideas together for yourself --how sophisticated your ideas are, how well you explain them, and how well you back them up.

Generally, a D essay doesn't answer the question or does not meet expectations for a college essay.  A C essay attempts to answer the question but lacks appropriate specific examples or a clear argument that is developed through the essay, or shows significant lack of understanding of the reading or the history.  A B essay has all the pieces, but not all the examples are well done or the argument is oversimplified.  An A essay answers the question by developing interesting ideas about the topic (your own thinking about the theme of the question) and gives interesting detailed examples.  I don't grade on the basis of spelling and grammar unless they make the essay a pain to read, but if you don't proofread it gives a bad impression of how thoughtfully you approached your essay.