- Compass allows you
to tell what direction you are going in
- But
that isn't much use if you don't know where you are
- astrolabe
measures how high the north star is above the
horizon to determine latitude (image
of use)
- But
they had no way to determine longitude
- More
were therefore very important
- sail north or south
to the right latitude then sail east or west until
you hit land
- That plus
knowing the wind patterns was the approach to
navigation on which early colonization was based
Cannon on ships were
the necessary weapon
only then did Europeans have an advantage in naval
on developing metallurgy good enough so the cannon
would not explode too often
- gunpowder was
invented by the Chinese
- Europeans developed primitive cannon
about 1325 used carved stone balls and the whole
cannon exploded a lot
- iron cannonballs introduced 1350,
gunpowder (made into even pellets) for more
even explosion (to shoot out the cannon ball) about
- better iron for cannon making
- cannon became safe enough to use on a
ship about 1500
- very quickly warships
began carrying large numbers of cannon--England rose
to power partly because they were more successful in
making iron cannon (because they happened to have
high-phosphorous iron ore)
Technologies gave the
Europeans an advantage
but they didn't have the technologies to start, they
developed them because they needed them
of technology--ways human beings modify (or work with)
the environment for our own uses
knowledge of how to use the winds is a technology
changing relationship with the environment--getting
better and better at using it (and protect ourselves
from it)
some technologies have an ongoing effect on the
when we use technology to modify the environment what
effect do we have