Darwin actually moved towards
evolution by the idea of humans descended from apes
because he had such an arrogant prejudiced view of native
people he met in South America
Science can be distorted by our prejudices, but it this
case his prejudices made it easier for him to accept a
radical idea
This led him to Thomas Malthus, Essay on the
Principle of Population
- argues that population always grows faster
than the environment can sustain so there will
always be competition for resources
- Malthus argues against welfare for the poor
because it is inevitable that there will not be
enough to go around and some people will starve to
death (if you give them food they will just
reproduce and there will be more excess people who
will starve to death)
- Laissez fair capitalism: the government
should not interfere with the market to help people
- Darwin took from this the idea of
competition for survival, which he called natural
- population is going to grow until it
exceeds the food supply
- if there isn't enough food to go around
who is going to survive
- the individuals best adapted to the
environment are more likely to survive and breed
- the characteristics most common in the
population will shift to fit the environment
- can this gradual change eventually result
in different species?--this was hard to prove
Now he had a mechanism for evolution--the best
adapted individuals survive and reproduce, creating
gradual change (the other problem is where does the
variation come from). This was immediately
parallel to selective breeding by farmers and
hobbyists, which Darwin had a lot of experience with
Darwin saw this as incompatible with
Christianity because the cruel competition for
survival didn't fit his idea of a benevolent God (not
because it contradicted the Bible--he didn't expect
people to take the Bible literally)
The theory of the
best individuals win fit the world of the British
Empire he lived in
Darwin did not publish his idea of evolution
for 20 years, fearing a negative reaction both on
scientific and religious grounds
- in 1858 he received a manuscript by Alfred
Russel Wallace with the same essential theory
- in what way was the time right that two
people would independently come up with the same
- Darwin did pass Wallace's manuscript on to
Lyell, as he had been asked
- Wallace's article was published along with
two Darwin had written but not published earlier
- who gets credit? usually the one who
published first but Darwin got credit for having the
idea for the mechanism of evolution, and also he was
the more prominent person
- Darwin's book On the Origin of Species was
published the next year
what are the religious issues about evolution
- disproves that God directly created plants,
animals and humans
- in their perfect form, unchanging
- evolution is more random, not organized by
God (some scientists see a more subtle organization
by God)
- if a good God created this world, how could
it be so violent and cruel?
- contradicts the literal interpretation of
the 6 days of creation in Genesis (wasn't a common
concern until the 20th century)
- lowers our status as humans (where does the
soul come in?)
From a sermon at Peace Church
Clemson, part of the United Church of Christ, for
Science Sunday:
- deep human questions are how
did the world begin and what does it mean?
- early religions answered
that question by grand stories of how the
world came to be the way it is, with answers to
why and what does it mean woven into those stories
- then along came science and
gave different answers to the how
- but what we need from
religion is not an explanation of how, but an
explanation of why, and what does it mean?
- the soul is not a scientific
thing, it is a spiritual thing