Larson 6
do we think about humans as different from
other animals or as animals?
- animals but also above them
- we think of animals not virtuous, so we
are different
- we change more (social/intellectual
- animals are more like humans than we
thought: use tools, they can learn and pass knowledge
socially, recognize themselves in a mirror, use language
with grammar, feel emotions (?), show altruism
- artificial intelligence raises another
set of questions about what it means to be human
- but machines cannot reproduce unaided?
- machines don't have souls
- machine learning means computers can
now in effect write their own programs
- philosophize, think of abstract
- if you believe the brain is just a
computer then machines can do everything we can do
- we may see the same kind of debates in
a few years about robot citizens
Darwin's theory was less easily accepted by
the public than by scientists
The Descent of Man created much more controversy than
Origin of Species had in 1859
the public cared most about human origins, and the idea that
humans descended from apes was not widely accepted
Song: The
Darwinian Theory
Darwin published The Descent of Man in 1871
Concluding paragraph:
Man may be excused for feeling some pride at
having risen, though not through his own exertions, to the
very summit of the organic scale; and the fact of his having
thus risen, instead of having been aboriginally placed there
[by God], may give him hopes for a still higher destiny in the
distant future. But we are not here concerned with hopes or
fears, only with the truth as far as our reason allows us to
discover it. I have given the evidence to the best of my
ability; and we must acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man
with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for
the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to
other men but to the humblest living creature, with his
god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and
constitution of the solar system—with all these exalted
powers—Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp
of his lowly origin.
Huxley had published a book on Man's
Place in Nature in 1863
are the key differences between humans and non-human
animals, that some people believed are too great for
evolution to explain?
- the ability to reason, logic,
- able to discover new things
- use of tools (we know differently but
only in the last 40 years)
- language
- eternal soul
- a spiritual soul is something humans
have that transcends the limitations of matter
- animals have a life force that is
sometimes called a soul, but it ceases to exist when
they die
- though attitudes have changed, the
traditional Christian belief is that animals do not go
to heaven
- emotions--are the emotions shown by
animals like human emotions, or are they just
instinctual responses?
- ethics, morals, altruism
- humans are obviously superior
Many people accepted evolution for animals
but saw the human soul as God's special creation
- most churches, including the Catholics,
took this view
- at a time of enthusiasm for science, the
concern was to find ways to fit science and faith
Who accepted the evolution of humans from
- scientists accepted it because it explained the big
pattern of related species so elegantly and because it
opened up lots of exciting new questions for science
- Those who were already atheists
tended to embrace Darwinism: it gave them
the alternative explanation of origins they needed
- It seemed the only way to get rid of the idea of
original sin--which people wanted to get rid of so they
could believe that society could improve
- believed that human society could be
continually improved (eg. Spenser, Soviets)
- those who felt oppressed by religion, such as some
women's rights activists
- people like Carnegie who thought they
were fittest
So did the more conservative and very
influential sociologist Herbert Spencer, who embraced the
idea of the progressive development of the natural and
social world based on science rather than on specific
religious beliefs (he was a deist and believed in a creator
but not in other Christian doctrine). He tried to
apply Darwin's theory of evolution by survival of the
fittest to human society (called Social Darwinism)
Those who believed in evolution kept looking for the example
that would convince the doubters
- the evidence for evolution was how many
things it made sense of; there wasn't one neat proof
- one push was to find the missing links
in the fossil record
- search for a common ancestor for humans and apes
- the discovery of Java man (Pithecantropus)
in 1891 by Eugène Dubois provided the first
intermediate example (now named homo erectus), but
there was a lot of controversy over the find
- The discovery in 1925 of Australopithecus
Africanus was an even better intermediate
species, also showing that the first humans had
evolved in Africa
- starting in 1929 more fossils similar to Pithecantropus
were found in China
- Who's
Who in Human Evolution
- scientists thought if only we can find the
missing link then people will accept evolution
- found more and more evidence of various