Saini 7
distance learning situation:
- communicate--something that looks strange may
be a mistake
- expect once a week live class on Zoom
(hopefully Wed.s at 9) and some additional or modified assignments
- be careful around older people and people with
chronic illnesses
Saini says being brown skinned (with ancestors from India) not
white undercut her claim to be British
Turns out the earliest Britons were black
- white skin may be a very recent evolution
- skin pigmentation genes are varied even in
Africa and not a good measure of relatedness
- lighter skin came to Britain with migrants, so
the people who think of themselves as of original British
stock actually genetically came later
- so identity is about culture, not race or
genetics or skin color
David Reich: a scientist who is not racist but
not anti-racist
- his research shows how mixed we all are
- but he thinks there may be average differences
between groups
- argument against this--differences are all
gentle gradients, it is still being misused
Should scientists not look for differences
between populations
you can argue these aren't the interesting differences
Saini is a journalist talking to scientists
- she is reporting to the public about what
scientists have learned
- she is criticizing scientists who study race
- arguing their work is not good science, it is
shaped by a political agenda
- she has a political agenda, hasn't looked for
anti-racist scientists doing distorted science
- she has a message: that our cultural ideas
about race do not have a scientific basis
- this comes from her personal experience
- the authority of science can be misused