2/8/2019 paper topic discussion HIST 3220
Pick one of the topics
below and two case studies (any historical example) to use to
explore the issue
- (1) look at economic change--what part of it
comes from technological change?
- (2) compare two places in similar stages of
development: how was energy/technology different because of
geography, history and culture?
Or compare the same place in two different
stages: how did history and culture shape the
energy/technology pattern?
- (3) interaction between technology, population
and economic growth
- this could focus in and consider impacts
on health
You can pick your examples but the argument of
your paper must be one of the three topics above. Your
paper must make substantial use of Smil and also include your
own research--at least 1/3 of your paper should be each
of those. Use APA, MLA or Chicago format for references.
General paper instructions are here: http://pammack.sites.clemson.edu/lec392/paperinstructions.html.
Please re-read the rules in the syllabus about plagiarism.
The paper should be about 5
pages double spaced, 12 point font, with references in MLA,
APA or Chicago format.
Research suggestions:
- https://libraries.clemson.edu/research/
- evaluating sources:
- notice the date--use facts from older sources but be
critical of the interpretation
- are you reading respectable history or opinion?
different opinions can be important to discuss
- think about the problems of getting good data
- most of your sources should be historical and/or
economics articles, books and possibly primary documents, but
you can supplement with podcasts, documentaries, images,
interviews, present day discussions of the issue, and personal
- it is ok to use "I" but I am interested not in your
opinion but in how you back it up with evidence
- email Prof. Mack if you get stuck: pammack@clemson.edu