Freeman ch. 1
what is a factory?
Derby silk mill is part of a prehistory--silk is
easy to work (very long fibers) but supply of raw material and
demand were both limited
cotton clothing was rare--people wore sturdy wool,
or if rich flax (linen) or silk
- but in the 18th century people liked imported
cotton from India
- British merchants looked for ways to make it
in England using imported fiber
- cheap cotton led to a mass market
in making cotton
on the industrial revolution in England
"the rise of the factory system, with its
association with modernity, was utterly dependent on the spread
of slave labor." (p. 5) for the raw cotton
inventing machines was not easy
- James Hargreaves invented the Jenny in 1764
- Richard Arkwright invented the water frame in
1768--made strong coarse yarn with water power
- Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule,
made finer (thinner) yarn
- powered machinery sped up production and
allowed more hiring of women and children
but why organize these into very large mills?
- helped inventors keep control of their patents
- economies of scale and grab market share
- makes supervision easier
- capital was available from increasing
international trade based on production (sugar, cotton,
tobacco) by slaves
- social status from a large factory similar to
owning land
how did this change people's lives?
- having to start at a fixed time was new
- close supervision--much more so than workers
were used to
- pace set by the machines
- how did it compare to agricultural work?
the metaphor of slavery for factory labor
- wage slavery--a way of objecting to that new
level of supervision
- factory owners are constantly trying to find
ways to get more work for less money
- the hymn Jerusalem
- at the time mostly used by men about women and
child workers
- often pro-slavery: invoked the racist attitude
that white people should not be treated like that
- chattel slavery was a very different thing
- factory workers had the right to leave even
they couldn't afford to
- getting paid, buying their own necessities
- slaves had no rights at all
Poor conditions and worker protest