Freeman intro
what is a factory?
- mass production
- distant markets
- has machines powered by water,
steam (or electricity) that make the work much faster
why giant factories?
- efficiency
- economies of scale
symbols of the idea of progress
yet slavery provided funding and raw materials at the beginning
Modernity or the modern era
- rejection of tradition, embrace of what is new
- think of modern art and architecture
- started in the late 19th century
- we now live in a post-modern age
Abandoned factories
Factories in South Carolina:
- a few textile factories as early as the 1930s
(same time as Lowell but smaller scale)
- but not many
- slavery made agriculture more profitable
- status was still based on owning land
- strong tradition
- after the civil war people in the south looked
for new ways to make money--the new south--lots of factories
get built in the south
- workforce mostly came from Appalachia
- factories in New England closed because
southern factories could produce more cheaply
- now most textile production has moved to Asia
- for cheaper labor--and being able to make
your product more cheaply means people buy more
- less regulation
- because of requirements to integrate the
textile mills
- remaining textile production is high
tech--very automated