Graham 1
on the college admissions scandal
why was the Soviet Union eventually
unsuccessful in industrialization?
(is China going to hit the same problems?)
- the answer is not just "a planned economy
doesn't work"
- "so long as Soviet citizens had faith in their
system it seemed to work fairly well" p. 4
Story of Palchinsky's execution--be careful about
what you believe: what he was accused of and executed for may
not be true
Palchinsky grew up before the revolution, when
Russia was ruled by a Tsar
his family did not have money--he got an engineering degree but
had to then work for the government to pay back his financial
1901 (well before the revolution) Palchinsky was
part of a team to study how to increase production of coal mines
in Ukraine
- set out to collect statistical information on
the workers since the mine owners didn't do so
- workers lived in crowded barracks (better than
- reporting on bad conditions was politically
Palchinsky became interested in politics
- became convinced that the answer to capitalist
exploitation was communal ownership in the form of small
cooperatives, initially from Kropotkin's
- over his lifetime all sides seem to have seen
him as a political threat
- he was a moderate who sympathized with the
those who wanted revolution, which was enough to get him
- he escaped to western Europe
- spent 5 years working as an engineering
- criticized Russian engineering education for
teaching only technical skills, not economics and sociology
Peter Palchinsky and his wife Nina were both
politically progressive and struggled with what that meant for
their personal lives
are these personal details relevant?
they returned to Russia in 1913 and he
established an institute
- he had become less radical--now a democratic
- was part of the democratic Provisional
Government, which was overthrown by the Bolsheviks
- was assigned to defend the Provisional
Government in the Winter Palace but did not do it with much
what are the possible answers to capitalist
- completely unchecked capitalism--if you can't
make money you will starve
- minimal safety net, give people as much
incentive as possible to work
- capitalism limited by protective laws,
programs to help the poor (particularly if they can't work),
government provides free education to give everyone a more
equal chance
- democratic socialism: reduce inequality, the
government gives the poor more of a chance and make sure
everyone has the basics, higher marginal taxes on the rich.
like Sweden
- anarchism
- communism; no private property--the government
owns everything. ideally the government manages the economy
for everyones benefit and distributes things more equally.