Smil ch. 5 first half

fossil fuels are inefficient use of the original plant matter, but efficient for burningformation of coal
from peat to coal
first they substitute directly for wood and charcoal
followed by inventions of new engines to use them
followed by converting them to new kinds of energy, such as electricity


graph of energy sourcesblast furnace for smelting iron

key technological innovation:

partially burning coal to remove impurities to make coke
makes iron plentiful

steam engine

Watt Engine                                         


penydarren colliery locomotive 
Penydarren Locomotive

sometimes found naturally--tar pits and bituminous springs
first extracted systematically in Balakhani in Azurbaijan
map showing Azurbaijan

used for waterproofing boats, lighting was the use than led to larger scale extraction
the development of the internal combustion engine led to much larger demand
for the relationship between crude oil and gasoline see Modern Refining

invention of the automobile:
the automobile was revolutionary compared to the the railroad because it allowed individualized travel
notice the experimenting with different ideas of what an automobile should be before one wins out

before that there was the horse and carriage

Inventions of self-propelled road vehicles started in the late 18th and early 19th century, but low pressure steam engines just didn't make a worthwhile vehicle.  (more early history )

  Cugnot's vehicle

what you need is an internal combustion engine (or a much improved steam engine or battery) and a market for highway vehicles:
1886 Daimler automobile
  Daimler 1886

you also needed decent roads, and the bicycle boom provided these, as well as a sense of the market.  The automobile probably could have been built 20 years earlier, but the interest was not there.

Flight had a long prehistory before the Wright Brothers, but inventors who don't successfully market a product don't usually get credit

The first successful products were balloons
Early flight theory and experiments
So what was left for the Wright Brothers to do?
Langley Aerodrome No. 5 in flightLangley Aerodrome #5
The invention of the airplane: The Wright Brothers (video: the first filmed Wright brothers flight)
wing warping diagram
photo of Wright flyer 
 Wright Brothers flight, National Air and Space Museum

Flight was initially used more for entertainment than for practical purposes:
two acrobats standing on top of airplanes


  • gas lighting in public use about 1815
  • intention of the battery by Volta in 1800
  • telegraph into practical use around 1850
  • effective electrical generator to produce electricity from steam power or water power--mid 19th century
  • electric arc lights 1870s
  • Edison's incandescent light: first commercial use 1882
  • streetcar (trolley, tram): 1880s
  • electric motors:
    • direct current: 1880s for streetcars
    • alternating current: Tesla and Westinghouse, early 1890s