Smil ch. 6 part 2
energy-rich urbanizing societies with capitalist
(laissez-faire) economies developed a substantial middle
quality of life:
- personal choice (freedom)
- better household items and
- health
- pleasant natural environment
- access to entertainment
the US uses the most energy per capita
but we aren't at the top in many measures of quality of life
- health care is expensive
- health care access in the US is more
uneven than other countries
- people make bad health choices like not
vaccinating (but likely true elsewhere)
- more teen pregnancies with higher health risks
and older women having babies
- prejudice means some people who have money/insurance
get inferior care
- might be statistical variation or different
freedom/choice vs. making sure everyone has basic services
(at the cost of higher taxes)
more emphasis on freedom/choice means faster technological
but it also means more people don't have a fair chance
but we don't always use energy/technology for
- has cheap food gone too far?
- at what point is uneven distribution of the
benefits a problem?
intensive energy use gives more destructive power
- when does doing the same thing with more power
become different?
- energy to build many weapons quickly is as
important as weapons
- before 1965 environmental concerns local
health effects--the solution to pollution is dilution
- acid rain mostly from coal fired power plants
damaging forests regionally 1970s and 1980s
- ozone layer (chlorofluorocarbons used in air
conditioning and refrigeration)--1970s, fixed by 2000
- global warming due to increase in CO2 in the
atmosphere 2000s