Tesla as a symbol (who remembers him and who
- Tesla is less remembered
outside of engineering because he did not found a company
- Edison is the better
elementary school hero--all about hard work
- he was not a symbol of "Yankee
ingenuity" or of modernism
- he became a symbol to people
with eccentric ideas (you can buy purple plates on Amazon)
- Tesla bridges the divide
between the spiritual and the material
Credit Tesla for:
- AC electric motors
- polyphase AC power
- spurring the development of
radio and pioneering the idea of tuning
Can we harness disruptive innovations?
- classes in entrepreneurship tend to start with
evaluate the market--adaptive (or incremental or sustaining)
- disruptive innovations go in a new direction
instead of building on existing technology and they offer a
product that people didn't know they wanted
- example: how do you convince Westinghouse it
is worth building a whole new system
- he already has AC with its advantages for
transmission, resistant to having to build a new system
- what he is doing is already profitable, why
change it for one product (adding a motor)
- people weren't yet able to imagine the
difference an electric motor would make
- we can learn from Tesla's method of coming up with the
invention in the first place and bringing it to reality as a
- Tesla depended on imagination plus carefully
examining particular solutions (with help)
- how to create a compelling vision (illusion)
of a new idea so people can imagine that unexpected future
- Tesla was motivated by the belief that he
could "re-order the world to suit his ideals" (p. 410)
- I would say he wanted to change the world, but
it was hard to do that and stay enough in touch with reality
Wed. test:
- write one essay (no short answer or multiple
choice), somewhere around two pages double spaced typed--your
time is the 50 minute class period
- You will have a choice of two
questions, one of which will focus on some aspect of Tesla's
method of invention/innovation and the other of which will
focus on some aspect of Tesla as an example of business
strategy (and the role of innovation)
- Make sure to write about the
specific question asked, not generally about method of
invention or business strategy
- open book/notes/internet--you may write on
your laptop, but test will still be held if network is down
- most important: argument (you have an overall
point and a set of linked steps to support it) and using
specific evidence to support your argument. Grammar
isn't an issue unless it makes your point hard to understand
- your essay should be organized into paragraphs
with topic sentences (it is ok for the introduction to be a
one sentence paragraph)
- one way to do this is a 5 paragraph essay
model, shortened by having 2 instead of 3 body paragraphs, a
one sentence introduction, and a short conclusion
- another
model, but skip the introductory information
- informal references: (Carlson p. 410) or
- if you are sick please email
pammack@clemson.edu before test time if at all possible