Horwitz 6-8
War of 1861
Back to re-enactors
Is this history from the bottom up?
different ways to experience history:
- re-enacting
- battlefield at dawn
history of battle vs. history of how it has been
remembered differently through time
- historic memory--the story of how it was
- 1865-1870s: commemorating soldiers who died in
the war, origins
of Memorial Day
- 1870s: waving the bloody shirt: anger, blame,
using lingering hostility for political ends
- 1877 reconstruction ends, redeemer movement
- 1880s: legends, increasingly political
- by late 1890s focus on reconciliation
- 1890s-1910s: many monuments built,
- surviving veterans starting to die so want
to preserve the memory, firming up the system of
segregation, anti-immigrant concerns
- growing sense of denial that they lost, Lost
Cause rhetoric grows--making excuses and defending that
their cause was right
- Spanish American war and WWI and some going
back to the 1890s: belief that the new south has succeed in
industrializing (but resistance to change in the social
structure and antebellum values), belief that the US is
uniting again
- 1920s: southern issues spread because of
anti-immigrant sentiment, African-Americans are moving north
in greater numbers
- 1930s: TVA and other big federal government
projects to help the south
- FDR supported southern prejudices, New Deal
helped whites more than blacks
- southern hostility to big government and the
federal government grows
- even though the deck was stacked in favor of
those in power in the south, they resented change and
increasingly felt that they didn't really lose
- WWII and immediately after: lots of army bases
in the south, continuation of New Deal
- integration of the army immediately after
the war
- more criticism of segregation
- African American argued for citizenship
because they fought in the war (Double V campaign)
- 1947-1954: red scare and cold war, we need to
pull together, but also to demonize people as communists
- Civil rights era:
- non-violent resistance by African-Americans
makes many people feel segregation is wrong (mostly outside
the south)
- but others in the south doubled down on
fighting change, resurgence of lost cause arguments
- resurgence of states rights argument against
the federal government forcing de-segregation
- rise of the sunbelt south--more people from
other areas moving in
- late 1960s into 1970s: Violent resistance,
Malcolm X, Detroit riots, issues become more nationwide
- Reagan/Bush era: conservatives focus on small
government, southern values pushed
- Confederate battle flag revived as a
political statement
- Vietnam: dangers of big government but also
loyalty to military values
- media begins to divide politically
- the end of the Cold War 1989: successful
- Neo-Nazi groups in Germany adopted the
Confederate flag
- no longer have a big common enemy and no
long need big government
- 1990s--this book
- Ken Burns Civil War documentary, Sept. 1990--a
lot more people became interested
- this leads to the founding of the History
Channel and lots of books are published
- boom in re-enacting
- the internet is not yet there so extremist
ideas spread slowly
- How has it changed since this book?
- arguments about removing monuments
- today's white supremacist groups are further
developing/making mainstream ideas we see in the confederate
enthusiasts in this book
- World Wide Web (and more so the dark web)
has made it easier to spread ideas and organize extremists
- National Park Service tried to make a more
complex argument, which significant number of people
historical debates over what exactly happened
people want to be independent of central authority
For Monday:
Here is the song that Prof. Catalano mentioned in class. It was
originally written by Bob McDill.
You can find people arguing in the comments on YouTube as well as
here: https://www.lyricinterpretations.com/alabama/song-of-the-south