Swigger 2-3
"pageant of America"
a pageant is a crafted spectacle performance, like Buffalo
Bill's Wide West show. Small communities create such events as
tourist attractions, crafting their own narrative of their
past (eg. starting with killing off native Americans)
the picture is another re-created village with a New England
village green, this one started in 1927
Ford's collecting themes:
- simple traditional education, but combined
with active learning
- birthplaces and domestic life
- successful people who started out from humble
roots (but with virtuous families)
- included some (softened) African-American
history, recognized George
Washington Carver as his kind of inventor
Ford did what he wanted, hired no museum
professionals or historians, defined authenticity however suited
this museum has a dubious history, does it end up
as a bad museum?
visitors initially were mostly local and
regional, 1945 over 200,000
Ford's biography was a big part of the tour guide
visitors wanted to buy things, but also
challenged the history presented based on their own stereotypes
Every man his own historian