STS 1010
Survey of Science and Technology in Society
Section 051, Summer 2020

photo of professorInstructor: Prof. Pamela E. Mack
phone: 864-710-3203
this syllabus on the web:

Note: syllabus subject to change; changes will be reflected in Canvas LMS

STS 1010 Course Description: Surveys historical, philosophical, and social studies of science, introduces the basic requisites for scientific and technological literacy, and considers the problems of responsible participation in a scientifically and technologically advanced society. 

Themes for Germany
how we got here: medieval cities, clock, scientific revolution
contribute to wiki giving background for interesting things we see
history of automobiles group projects: comparison of automobile history between Germany and the US
future of automobiles
individual reflective essay
automation and robots
individual research paper
energy and sustainability
group projects: US vs. German attitudes towards sustainability and energy

Formal Course Learning Objectives and Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to
  1. Provide details of the inception, development, and reception of scientific ideas and technological innovations by answering related factual questions
  2. Construct and critique arguments concerning the function and significance of social phenomena related to the inception and development of scientific ideas and technological innovations
  3. Analyze and critique arguments concerning the function and significance of scientific ideas and technological developments in social contexts
  4. Explain and analyze ways in which society is affected by science and technology, and vice versa
  5. Formulate logical, well-supported arguments about topics related to technology in society
Successful completion of the course will meet the Science and Technology in Society General Education Competency:
    "Students will demonstrate an understanding of issues created by the complex interactions among science, technology, and society."
And the Non-Literature Humanities General Education Competency:
    "Students will analyze, interpret, and employ aesthetic, ethical, linguistic, and/or philosophical discourse in relevant contexts."

Required texts and materials:
• Readings found in Canvas
Office Suite (Microsoft,, or Google Drive)
• Texts (articles, PDFs, videos, slides) provided in Canvas and through Internet links
Students are expected to be comfortable accessing the online course site and downloading or viewing files such as Microsoft Office documents, YouTube videos, and PDFs. In addition, students should be able to use Microsoft Office or Google Docs to compose written documents. For technical assistance with the online course site, students should contact or visit CCIT's website: (

Course Requirements:
This is a course where you will learn concepts and learn to apply those concepts to what you see in Germany.
Four major assignments       55%  
reading responses                15%
topic discussions                 15%
final reflective essay           15%
Essays will be downgraded 5 points for every calendar day late, other assignments will be accepted one day late for half credit.

Numerical grades out of 100 will be converted to final letter grades by the system 90-100=A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, 60-69=D, below 60=F. An 89.5 or above rounds up to an A. Grades above 95 are rarely given except for exceptionally fine work.

Clemson University values the diversity of our student body as a strength and a critical component of our dynamic community.  Students with disabilities or temporary injuries/conditions may require accommodations due to barriers in the structure of facilities, course design, technology used for curricular purposes, or other campus resources.  Students who experience a barrier to full access to this class should let the professor know, and make an appointment to meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services in advance.  You can make an appointment by calling 864-656-6848, by emailing, or by visiting Suite 239 in the Academic Success Center building.  Appointments are strongly encouraged – drop-ins will be seen if at all possible, but there could be a significant wait due to scheduled appointments. Students who receive Academic Access Letters are strongly encouraged to request, obtain and present these to their professors in advance so that accommodations can be made in a timely manner.  It is the student’s responsibility to follow this process each semester.  You can access further information here:

Title IX: Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected activity in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid.   This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  This policy is located at   Mr. Jerry Knighton is the Clemson University Title IX Coordinator.  He also is the Director of Access and Equity.  His office is located at 110 Holtzendorff Hall, 864.656.3184 (voice) or 864.656.0899 (TDD).

Academic Integrity:  As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a “high seminary of learning.” Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.”

This includes representing someone else's work as your own or handing in the same paper to two different courses without permission of both instructors. You may re-use your exact words (according to the following plagiarism standard) from work done for this course but not from any other course. Be careful to avoid plagiarism--text you take from a web site, from a book, or from online class notes must be either quoted with the source given or restated almost entirely in your own words, with the source given.  The catalog defines as one form of academic dishonesty: "Plagiarism, which includes the intentional or unintentional copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing the work to one’s own efforts."  Note the word unintentional--if you forget to put quote marks or a reference you can be found guilty of academic dishonesty even if it was not your intention to cheat.

It is cheating to cut and paste or otherwise copy portions of a argument paper, exam, or discussion board posting from a book, web site, or from online class material, unless you quote and give the source. Changing a few words is not sufficient to make the material your own. It is poor writing for more than about 20% of your paper to consist of quotes.  In most cases when you use specific material from any source you should paraphrase: cite the source and put the ideas into you own words (generally no more than 5 consecutive words should match the source but if the words are mostly the same it could still be plagiarism even if there aren't 5 consecutive words).

The catalog states: "When, in the opinion of a course instructor, there is evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, that person must make a formal written charge of academic dishonesty, including a description of the misconduct, to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies. The reporting person may, at his/her discretion, inform each involved student privately of the nature of the alleged charge. In cases of plagiarism instructors may use, as an option, the Plagiarism Resolution Form available from the Office of Undergraduate Studies."

Schedule:  readings and other assignments will be added to the schedule when our travel schedule is set
before travel
read Slack and Wise ch. 1
May 14
present automobile history group projects
May 21
future of automobiles essay due
May 25
energy group presentation
May 29
automation paper due
June 1
reflective essay due

This page written and copyright © Pamela E. Mack
Send me e-mail at:
For my other pages see:  PEM Index Page
last updated Aug. 9, 2019