History 1240--001
Environmental History Survey

Welcome! This syllabus lays out what you need to know to succeed in this course. Please read it carefully--one of the differences between K12 and college is that I will not remind you of the assignments and instructions every time something is due.

Who We Are:
Class time MWF 10:10-11:00 in Watt 310, with some meetings entirely on Zoom for group work. Modules in Canvas will give you details for each week.

Instructor: Dr. Pamela E. Mack, Department of HistoryProf. Mack

Contact information:
use the email system build into Canvas (if I am available that is usually the fastest way to reach me, if I don't reply within 24 hours please re-send)
direct email: pammack@clemson.edu (no g.)

I'm a morning person--I usually turn my computer off around 8:30 pm
preferred form of address: Prof. Mack or Dr. Mack, pronouns: she/her/hers

student drop in hours MWF 8:30-10 am in Hardin 006 or by Zoom (email for link for Zoom) or by appointment
I don't have a phone in my office but you can call the history department at 854-656-3153

Course Goals:
An introduction to environmental history, in the United States and globally, with an emphasis on changing attitudes toward the environment and the interaction between science and public policy.

Learning Outcomes:

General learning outcomes
How we will approach that in this course
Students will use social science concepts and evidence to explain human actions or behaviors in the past, the present, and/or the future Students will demonstrate how historians with a particular perspective explain the causes and consequences of human actions
Students will demonstrate an understanding of issues created by the complex interactions among science, technology, and society Students will assess how social forces shape human use of the environment and how choices about how we use the environment (both scientific and technological) can shape society
Students will demonstrate critical thinking through analysis of global challenges
Students will apply concepts from environmental history to analyze major environmental challenges today
Students will evaluate how varying perspectives influence global challenges
Students will compare the perspectives of different groups about environmental issues to understand that we have choices about who are the winners and losers

Course Overview: Global Challenges
The Global Challenges requirement challenges students to come to a deeper understanding of an important problem, whether a fundamental problem examined in a particular place or time or an international issue. This course will address the challenge of the damage done to the environment by human activities and consider the problems of exploitation and misuse. How might we make better choices, as individuals and societies, to preserve the values we get from the non-human world.

This course meets either the Social Science and STS general education requirements or the Global Challenges general education requirement. Depending on your curriculum year the course will automatically count for the appropriate requirement.

Most of this course is organized around reading three books.  What historians do, most fundamentally, is write books, so we need to examine the books not just as sources of information but also for the perspectives of the authors.  Each book takes a different approach to understanding what shapes the direction of development of technology. There will be an essay or paper after the first two books; the paper for the second book will be longer and involve more research. In parallel with reading the third book you will do projects with students in a class in Landshut, Germany.

Using technology in this course:

Learning in an Uncertain World:

We learn best in community:
  • Commit time for this course (the university expectation is at least 3 hours a week in addition to class time) and take it seriously, be an active participant
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes and change your mind; that is how learning works
  • Listen: be respectful of and curious about different ideas and try to understand the different experiences of other people
  • Continue the conversation! Make friends, create other channels for communication to explore ideas

Use the course structure:
  • Click on the individual course in Canvas and use the modules to keep track of your progress
  • This is a course organized around reading books. Plan time to do the reading thoughtfully.

Organize yourself to be effective:

  • Organize a separate space for doing schoolwork if you can
  • Keep a calendar of work to do (not just due dates but schedule time to work on assignments)
  • When you run into a challenge, keep trying and ask for help

 Grade Distribution:
In this course numerical grades out of 100 will be converted to final letter grades by the system 90-100=A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, 60-69=D, below 60=F.  I round up by up to .5 if it makes a difference in the grade.

You get 6 free passes for daily assignments that you can skip entirely or drop your lowest grade. Daily assignments and group projects may be penalized 50% for lateness. Late essays
will be penalized two points for each calendar day late. Extensions without penalty are available for illness, power outages and other special circumstances by arrangement with the professor. Documentation is not required. Note that many assignments are due at 10 am (or in some cases during class), not midnight.

Attendance policy: 
Please do not come to class if you are feeling sick even if you don't have a test result yet. Emergency remote attendance is permitted in this class--attending class on Zoom if you are in isolation or quarantine or not feeling well counts as being present for class. You will need to be able to participate in Zoom breakout rooms to be counted present.

Absences (when you are present neither in the classroom nor on Zoom) will be excused for illness, the disruption of starting quarantine, urgent situations with family and friends, mental health days, job interviews, and etc. No proof is required, but in order to have your absence excused you must use the Student Notification of Absences form in Canvas (click on help on the far left hand menu at the bottom). You can use the "other" category for the reason for your absence if it does not fit one of the main choices and it is ok to fill out the form after the fact. But you must use the form for your absence to be excused.
Students with more than 6 unexcused absences will have their final grade reduced by a full letter grade. Please discuss special circumstances with the professor. Students with excused absences should contact the professor by Canvas or university email with any questions about making up work.

Properly worn masks are required in this course at least so long as they are required in Clemson classrooms. Students without a mask will be asked to leave and marked absent.

If the professor or a substitute does not arrive within 10 minutes of the scheduled starting time students may leave. If an assignment is not posted when it should be, it is your responsibility to email the professor and ask about it.
Any assignments due on Canvas will still be due as scheduled even if the university is closed due to weather unless different information is posted as a Canvas announcement. If your internet goes out for more than a few hours you can get an extension.

Daily Assignments: Purpose--preparation and engagement. These be listed in the Canvas module and will include:

Group Discussions: Purpose--build community and learn from each other.
You will be divided up into teams of about 4 or 5 students for some discussions either on Zoom or around tables in the classroom and small projects. The assignment part will be posted on Canvas

Essays: Purpose--synthesize what you have learned.
The first essay
will be about 3-4 double spaced pages of text on an assigned topic.
The second (Steinberg) essay will be about 4-6 double space pages of text with a choice of topics which you will research and then analyze using concepts from the Nye book.
Higher grades will go to papers that exhibit critical thinking, an analytical framework, specific evidence, the ability to inform and communicate, sound organization, and a concise and coherent argument
that answers the specific question assigned. Papers will be handed in via Canvas and screened by the Turnitin plagiarism detection system.  (This system does keep a copy of your paper--if you have a problem with that please speak to the professor.)  Late papers will be penalized two points for each calendar day late.  Very late papers will be penalized no lower than a 65 if the paper merits at least a 75.

You may want to use the writing center for help. Make an appointment here

Project with students in Germany: Purpose: learn more about different perspectives
Starting after spring break, we will be working with a class in Germany that meets on Wednesdays at the same time. You will work (in English) with the German students on joint projects. Details to follow.

Takehome Final reflection: Purpose--reflect on learning.

Academic Integrity: 
This course takes the university's academic integrity policy very seriously (see university policy below) because this is a course about developing your own ideas and writing, not repeating other people.  In particular, in this course the definition of plagiarism includes both representing someone else's work as your own and handing in the same paper to two different courses without permission of both instructors. You may re-use your exact words (according to the plagiarism standard below) from work done for this course but not from any other course. Be careful to avoid plagiarism--text you take from a web site, from a book, or from online class notes must be either quoted with the source given or restated almost entirely in your own words, with the source given.  The catalog defines as one form of academic dishonesty: "Plagiarism, which includes the intentional or unintentional copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing the work to one’s own efforts."  Note the word unintentional--if you forget to put quote marks or a reference you can be found guilty of academic dishonesty even if it was not your intention to cheat.

It is cheating to cut and paste or otherwise copy portions of a argument paper, exam, or discussion board posting from a book, web site, or from the online class notes, unless you quote and give the source. Changing a few words is not sufficient to make the material your own. It is poor writing for more than about 20% of your paper to consist of quotes.  In most cases when you use specific material from any source you should paraphrase: cite the source and put the ideas into you own words (generally no more than 5 consecutive words should match the source but if the words are mostly the same it could still be plagiarism even if there aren't 5 consecutive words).

Required Books: Reading should be done by the class day for which an assignment is listed in the class schedule.  You will buy the books inside the Perusall software (the professor can help with any problems once we get to that part of the course).
Judith A. Carney and Richard Nicholas Rosomoff, In the Shadow of Slavery
Ted Steinbergy, Down to Earth: Nature's Role in American History
Bruce Usher, Renewable Energy: A Primer for the Twenty-First Century

cover of the book: In the Shadow of Slavery
                of the book Down to Earth
cover of the book Renewable Energy

This syllabus is a contract between the professor and the students.  Please study it carefully, as you are expected to follow the rules and do the assignments contained in the syllabus even if the professor doesn't remind you.  The professor reserves the right to make changes in special circumstances, but will discuss any changes with the students.

II. Class Schedule for Hist 1240: 

Wed., Jan. 12        Syllabus
Fri., Jan. 14            Reading in Perusall

Mon., Jan. 17         Martin Luther King Holiday
Wed., Jan. 19        Carney introduction and ch. 1
Fri., Jan. 21            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Jan. 24        Carney chs. 2-3
Wed., Jan. 26        Carney chs. 4-5
Fri., Jan. 28            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Jan. 31        Carney ch. 6
Wed., Feb. 2        Carney chs. 7-8
Fri., Feb. 4            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Feb. 7        Carney chs. 9-10
Wed., Feb. 9        Reading in Perusall
Fri., Feb. 11        discussion of essay writing, Carney essay due

Mon., Feb. 14       Steinberg prologue and ch. 1
Wed., Feb. 16        Steinberg ch. 2-3
Fri., Feb. 18          Discussion/current issues

Mon., Feb. 21        Steinberg ch. 4-5
Wed., Feb. 23        Steinberg ch. 6-7
Fri., Feb. 25            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Feb. 28        Steinberg ch. 8-9
Wed., Mar. 2        Steinberg ch. 10
Fri., Mar. 4

Mon., Mar. 7        Steinberg ch. 11-12
Wed., Mar. 9        Steinberg ch. 13
Fri., Mar. 11        Discussion/current issues

Mon., Mar. 14        Steinberg ch. 14-15
Wed., Mar. 16        Steinberg ch. 16
Fri., Mar. 18        Steinberg essay due, Discussion/current issues

Mon., Mar. 21-25    Spring Break

Mon., Mar. 28        Usher chs. 1-3
Wed., Mar. 30        Joint class with class in Germany
Fri., Apr. 1            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Apr. 4        Usher chs. 4-6
Wed., Apr. 6        Joint class with class in Germany
Fri., Apr. 8            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Apr. 11        Usher chs. 7-9
Wed., Apr. 13        Joint class with class in Germany
Fri., Apr. 15            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Apr. 18        Usher chs. 10-11
Wed., Apr. 20        Usher ch. 12 (our partner class has this week off)
Fri., Apr. 22            Discussion/current issues

Mon., Apr. 25        Discussion/current issues, Individual reflections on German project due
Wed., Apr. 27        Joint class with class in Germany
Fri., Apr. 29            Review

Tues., May 3        take home final reflection due

This page written and copyright © Pamela E. Mack
Send me e-mail at: Pammack@clemson.edu
For my other pages see:  PEM Index Page
last updated 1/7/2022

University Policies and Student support, syllabus part two 2021-22

Student Support



The Academic Success Center (ASC)  offers a variety of free learning and success services for all undergraduate students that include

                 Mastery of course content

o   Tutoring – students can expect a 1:1 meeting with a trained undergraduate peer leader (who made an A or B in the course and was recommended by a faculty member) during which the student can share specific questions they have about course content with the tutor focused on helping the student, through questioning techniques and identification of helpful learning strategies, and master course concepts.  Tutors do not help with homework or other class assignments.

o   Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) – students can expect collaborative and active group learning and study sessions focused on mastery of course content and learning strategies that is facilitated by a trained undergraduate peer leader (who made an A or B in the course and was recommended by a faculty member).  PAL leaders do not help with homework or other class assignments.

Learning and Success Strategies

o   Academic coaching - students can expect a 1:1 meeting with a trained professional academic coach during which the coach helps students see themselves, their skills, and their study habits from a fresh perspective through one-on-one sessions focused on learning and personal success strategies.

o   Success strategy workshops – students can expect 30-45 minute workshops on college success skills, time management and organizational skills, test-taking strategies, study strategies, finals preparation, life skills, and academic resources.

o   College success skills course (CU 1010) – students experiencing academic difficulty can expect a course focused on academic and personal skill building taught by instructors who wish to work with this student population

ASC services are designed to equip students with strategies and resources they can use to:

                 Succeed in their courses

                 Become more confident, independent, and skillful learners

                 Engage in more productive and effective study and learning strategies

                 Manage their time more effectively


The Class of 1956 Academic Success Center building is located in the center of campus adjacent to Cooper Library and the Watt Family Innovation Center.


An overview of the Center’s peer learning support programs (tutoring and PAL) can be found at the ASC Courses page.

Please encourage your students to utilize one or more of our services.  We welcome your feedback on how we can best serve your students.


We celebrate diversity in abilities, identities, and perspectives and invite Clemson students, faculty, and staff from all walks of life to participate in our programs, services, and employment. We believe that engaging with a variety of ideas and viewpoints results in deeper and more meaningful learning and creates the conditions for our students to thrive. We seek to be an active partner with Clemson students, faculty, and staff in creating an inclusive campus environment in which mutual respect and support are demonstrated for all members of our campus community.


Academic advising is an ongoing educational process that connects the student to the University. Academic advising supports the University's mission of preparing the student for learning beyond the confines of the academy. Academic advisors represent and interpret University policies and procedures to the student and help the student navigate the academic and organizational paths of the institution.


Do you need library sources but don't know where to start? Are you asking your students to search for a book, article, or data to support their argument? Not sure whether they know how to cite a source properly in their bibliography? Tell them to ask a librarian!  Help is available in person at each of our locations: Cooper Library, Gunnin Architecture Library, and the Education Media Center.  You can also chat with a librarian live from our website, by phone at 864.656.1557, or text 864.762.4884.  Extended research assistance with librarians who specialize in subject areas is also available by appointment. A list of librarians and their areas of expertise are listed on the subject librarians page. Check the Library’s Ask Us page for details. For assistance with digital projects, the Adobe Digital Studio is located on the 5th floor and is staffed to support the needs of you and your students. You can download Adobe Creative Cloud for free.

Cooper Library and Technical Support

If you are having hardware or software problems, CCIT's Service Desk may be able to help you. Contact them by emailing ITHELP@clemson.edu, calling or texting (864) 656-3494, or starting a live chat at ccit.clemson.edu. The help desk is located in Cooper Library.


The Michelin® Career Center, in the Center for Career and Professional Development, assists undergraduate and graduate students in selecting appropriate fields of study, learning effective job searching strategies, and making connections with employers. Career counselors are available to meet with students to explore career or educational options, develop résumés and cover letters, hone interviewing techniques, conduct searches for internships and full-time jobs, and ready themselves for interviewing with employers. In addition, students may utilize ClemsonJobLink, the Career Center’s on-line recruiting system, to view part-time jobs, internships, and full-time job postings and to sign up for on-campus interviews.

The Center’s Internship Program
This program brings together students and employers to facilitate academically enriching and mutually beneficial work experiences. This program offers on-campus, off-campus and international internship options. Students may participate in either part-time or full-time internships. The Center’s goal is to endow students with the skills and tools to find part-time jobs and internships while in school, as well as full-time jobs following graduation. Other information can be obtained from the Career Center’s website or by calling 864-656-6000.

UPIC: University Professional Internship and Co-op

The University Professional Internship and Co-op (UPIC) Program offers students on-campus professional learning experiences. Students have the opportunity to work with Clemson faculty and staff on Clemson's main campus, as well as other sites across the state, while receiving an academic internship notation on their transcripts. Enrollment in the appropriate INT course and payment of the corresponding fee is a requirement of the program (e.g. INT 1510). In order to be eligible for the program, a student must have completed at least one full semester at Clemson University and be an enrolled and matriculating undergraduate student in good standing. Available internships are typically listed in ClemsonJobLink halfway through the semester prior to the experience. Additional information is available at http://career.clemson.edu or by calling the program office at 864-656-0282.


The Cooperative Education Program (or Co-op Program) is a rigorous engaged-learning program designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn under a mentor in their field of study.  Companies partner with the program to host the co-op student for two, three or more rotations and this in-depth learning experience becomes an integral part of the student’s education.  The co-op student’s experience is monitored and evaluated by the faculty and academic staff of the Co-op Program.  Co-op students are paid by the host company.



 The Registrar's office provides information about important deadlines, degree and program requirements, and other key information, including use of iROAR to add, drop, or withdraw from courses.



Clemson University values the diversity of our student body as a strength and a critical component of our dynamic community. Students with disabilities or temporary injuries/conditions may require accommodations due to barriers in the structure of facilities, course design, technology used for curricular purposes, or other campus resources. Students who experience a barrier to full access to this class should let the instructor know and make an appointment to meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible. You can make an appointment by calling 864-656-6848, by emailing studentaccess@lists.clemson.edu, or by visiting Suite 239 in the Academic Success Center building. Appointments are strongly encouraged – drop-ins will be seen, if at all possible, but there could be a significant wait due to scheduled appointments.  Students who have accommodations are strongly encouraged to request, obtain and send these to their instructors through the AIM portal as early in the semester as possible so that accommodations can be made in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to follow this process each semester. 

You can access further information at the Student Accessibility website.  Other information is at the university’s Accessibility Portal.


Student Health Services, locally known as “Redfern” Health, strengthens Clemson University by providing quality medical and mental health care and the health, safety and well-being of the campus community. Student Health Services strives to be an innovative health care system providing integrated quality services that are responsive to the needs of the University community.

For information on who to contact for help in a crisis situation, visit the Student Health contact page and the emergency/crisis page for getting help.


At Counseling and Psychological Services(CAPS), you are encouraged to be an active participant in your medical and mental health care. Which service is the right one for you hinges on your individual need, and CAPS will help you figure that out.

CAPS is committed to educating students, as well as offering “outreach services to faculty and staff members in order to improve the quality of their interactions with students and to promote a healthy work environment.”



Clemson University’s Writing Lab offers free one-on-one writing support for all Clemson students. Students can seek support at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to final revisions.  Visit the Writing Lab’s website for more information about their services or to make an  appointment.



Clemson Policies



Clemson has developed an Academic Continuity Plan for academic operations. Should university administration officially determine that the physical classroom facility is not available to conduct classes, class will be conducted in a virtual (online) form. The university issues official disruption notifications through email, website, text notification and Social Media. When notified, use one of the following links to navigate to Clemson Canvas where you will find important information about how we will conduct class:

Course activities will occur through the Canvas course.


As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson's vision of this institution as a "high seminary of learning." Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.

All infractions of academic dishonesty by undergraduates must be reported to Undergraduate Studies for resolution through that office. In cases of plagiarism instructors may use the Plagiarism Resolution Form.

See the Undergraduate Academic Integrity Policy website for additional information and the current catalogue for the policy.

For graduate students, see the current graduate student handbook for all policies. 


Undergraduate students are advised to contact the Ombuds' Office prior to filing an academic grievance. If the undergraduate academic ombudsman agrees that a grievable issue has occurred, students can contact Undergraduate Studies (656-3022) for assistance filing official paperwork within 30 days of the semester following the awarding of a disputed grade.

Graduate students follow the Graduate Student Handbook (per the catalogue, “grievances must be filed with the Graduate School within 60 days of the alleged act.”)



 Materials from published sources (books, articles, and even videos) are protected under copyright. When used for educational purposes, they are intended for use only by students enrolled in a particular course and only for instructional activities associated with the course. They may not be retained in another medium or disseminated further as described in the provisions of the Teach Act. Students should refer to the Clemson Libguide Use of Copyrighted Materials and the “Fair Use Guidelines” policy on the Clemson University website for additional information.



Clemson University aspires to create a diverse community that welcomes people of different races, cultures, ages, genders, sexual orientation, religions, socioeconomic levels, political perspectives, abilities, opinions, values and experiences.

The Clemson University Title IX statement regarding non-discrimination

The Clemson University Title IX statement: Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected activity in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This Title IX policy is located on the Campus Life website. Ms. Alesia Smith is the Clemson University Title IX Coordinator, and the Executive Director of Equity Compliance. Her office is located at 223 Brackett Hall, 864.656.0620. Remember, email is not a fully secured method of communication and should not be used to discuss Title IX issues.


 Emergency Preparedness Statement

Emergency procedures have been posted in all buildings and on all elevators. Students should be reminded to review these procedures for their own safety. All students and employees should be familiar with guidelines from the Clemson Police Department. Visit here for information about safety.


Clemson University is committed to providing a safe campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. As members of the community, we encourage you to take the following actions to be better prepared in case of an emergency:

1.     Ensure you are signed up for emergency alerts 

2.     Download the Rave Guardian app to your phone (https://www.clemson.edu/cusafety/cupd/rave-guardian/)

3.     Learn what you can do to prepare yourself in the event of an active threat (http://www.clemson.edu/cusafety/EmergencyManagement/)


Appropriate online academic conduct means maintaining a safe learning environment based on mutual respect and civility. All participants in Clemson courses are expected to behave professionally by adhering to these standards of conduct:

o   Never transmit or promote content known to be illegal.

o   Respect other people's privacy as well as your own.

o   Forgive other people's mistakes.

o   Never use harassing, threatening, embarrassing, or abusive language or actions.

Online communication that fails to meet these standards of conduct will be removed from the course. Repeated misconduct may result in being blocked from online discussions, receiving a grade penalty, or being dismissed from the course. Such misconduct in the online environment may also be reported to officials for appropriate action in accordance with University policy. If you ever encounter inappropriate content in our course, please contact me, the instructor, with your concerns.



This course is designed with your privacy in mind. If, however, you feel that an assignment or technology tool undermines your right to privacy, please contact the instructor immediately. We will work together to determine an alternative assignment that will help you achieve the course learning outcomes. 


Please consult the Clemson research policies.   If a course includes the use of animals, IUCAC regulations must be followed.   If a course involves any human subjects research, this research will comply with campus IRB regulations. This includes research of the course itself, which, while it may fall under one of the exempt categories, needs IRB review.

Send me e-mail at: Pammack@clemson.edu
For other resources see PEM Index Page
For Pam Mack's Home Page see: Pamela E. Mack